There is No God…Really??

Imagine the above title without a question mark. “There is no god”. How does it ring in your mind? Does it bring goes bums or happiness in your mind? God, a super natural being that controls order in the world is what most people believe. Different people have different god depending on their belief for example in Christianity we have Jehovah/Yahweh, Muslims have Allah, and many more.

Apart from this, there is another group of people whose belief is that there is no super natural being. The believe that their existence in the world is by chance. Their explanation on how things came to be in the world is quite is complicated but their main argument is that there is no supernatural being called god.

The big question is, do people have a right to believe what they want to believe in? The answer is totally yes. After all the super natural beings are invisible, we can’t proof with our naked eyes. However, it is proven that every human being has a void in the heart that can only be filled by the person believing that there is a super natural being watching over him or her. Why hen some people still hold that there is no god? This is because they do not want to be constrained in doing things in this world. They want to live their lives beyond limits without dictations of what they should do and not do. This has also been proven dangerous and fatal because the person will always end to do the wrong things like sexual immorality, drug abuse etc. that are strictly condemned by those who believe that there is a spiritual being like Christians.

I love Jehovah God. Do you know what he did? He gave the human beings free will to choose. This is evidence with the first human beings that decided to sin against god. Okay, these are the people who saw and talked to god directly, but they could afford to go against him who created them. So, it is basically the will to choose that make most human beings do a lot of sins. I wish we were wise enough to choose god Jehovah and do His will, which is good and perfect. Its so encouraging that in the bible, there is nothing that harms us. Everything that god tells us to do is for the better. Why should I be godless and harm myself? Brothers and sisters, come to Jesus and have life. The bible says that is foolishness to them that are perishing. Make a decision today and follow Jesus who gives life to our mortal bodies (romans) and heals our diseases. Remember, it is foolishness to say that there is no god.

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